
Angers, from march 1st to march 3rd 2021

Organization board: Francois Bernard, Antoine Boivin, Megane Bournissou, Victor Lagrandmaison, Jeremy Martin, Eunice Okome Obiang, Adrian Petr

For the past six years, the Centre Henri Lebesgue has been supporting the Rencontres Doctorales Lebesgue, an initiative of the PhD students of the Labex. It is a three-day conference during which the floor is given to PhD students from all geographical and mathematical backgrounds. The aim is thus to present a large part of current mathematical research as seen and experienced by PhD students, but not only ... During this event, three sponsor researchers, called 'parrains/marraines', are invited to lay out and share their experience of today's research.

The "Rencontres Doctorales", which is usually held during the All Saints holidays, has been postponed to the winter holidays this year in hopes that the health situation would be more conducive to holding it in person. This is why the "RDL2020" will take place in March 2021.

Unfortunately, in view of the current health situation, the event will take place by means of videoconference. In order to preserve its convivial aspect, a Discord server "Virtual Restaurant" will be proposed on which several social activities will be available through March 1 and 2, starting from 6pm.

This year, the event has the honour of being sponsored by the following researchers:

  • François Charles (Université Paris-Sud)

  • Julien Chiquet (Université Paris-Saclay, AgroParisTech, INRAE)

  • Sylvain Ervedoza (Université de Bordeaux)