The main objective of the workshop "Real Motivic Geometry" is to bring together experts in classical real algebraic geometry and specialists in the most recent advances in motivic techniques. The goal is to strengthen and develop the foundations for interactions and collaborations at the interface of these emerging themes. The main scientific directions targeted are real enumerative geometry and quadratic motivic invariants on the one hand, and real Milnor fibrations, motivic nearby cycles, and quadratic "Milnor numbers" on the other hand. Both directions share the exploration of quadratic enrichments of classical invariants provided by the $\mathbb{A}^1$-homotopy theory of schemes.
In order to facilitate mutual understanding between the various communities involved, the program will consist of short introductory/pedagogical talks in the morning and afternoon working sessions in small groups around problems and questions identified in advance by the scientific committee or during the meeting, as proposed by the participants.
The conference will take place in Le Croisic, France, at the Domaine de Port aux Rocs from June 30 to July 4, 2025.