detail logo journée filles et maths

Those days are about reflexing, discussing, getting information, aimed at A-level female students on studying and working in mathematics, also fighting stereotypes that discourage grils to go for those carreers.

This events is organised in association with Femmes et mathématiques and Animath, since the end of december 2009.

previous editions

Filles et maths 2020

Filles et maths 2018

Filles et maths 2017

Filles et maths 2016

Ecole Normale Supérieure de Rennes, Université de Rennes 1, Université de Rennes 2, Insa de Rennes, Irmar, ENSAI,  Rectorat, Onisep and the Centre Henri Lebesgue collaborate each year to organisation those days.