Vera Vértesi
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Knot Floer homology is an invariant for knots and links defined by Ozsvath and Szabo and independently by Rasmussen. It has proven to be a powerful invariant e.g. in computing the genus of a knot, or determining whether a knot is fibered. In this talk I define a generalisation of knot Floer homology for tangles; Tangle Floer homology is an invariant of tangles in D^3, S^2xI or in S^3. Tangle Floer homology satisfies a gluing theorem and its version in S^3 gives back a stabilisation of knot Floer homology. Finally, I will discuss how to see tangle Floer homology as a categorification of the Reshetikhin-Turaev invariant for the Alexander polynomial.